Monday, July 13, 2015

4th of July - 1

Mommy chauffeured us on our first outing. :)

Sitting in our drive way.

Kathryn got so limp once we were in the car. 
She seems to love the heat like her Daddy.

We went to the W's for a fun dinner.

I really enjoyed getting to eat with everyone again.

I loved the patriotic decorations.

My little baby doll. :)

These 3 were testing out some firecrackers in the water.

These 2 ladies are so fun to spend time with.

The boys were getting ready to go to a rodeo
 and got all dressed up in their fancy hats.:)


  1. Katelyn, your little Kathryn is for sure a beautiful little baby doll! I love those pics of her with Deborah holding her. Love the little hat.

    The pics in the van of Nathaniel holding the baby in his lap....does your state not require car seats for infants? I couldn't tell if you were parked or riding along. I hope you do use a car seat for her safety.

    I've enjoyed all the posts about the birth and all the baby pics and especially, too, with the E family visiting. Thanks for your blog where we can keep up with y'all!

    1. Yes, our state does require car seats and yes we do have one. :) We were sitting in our drive way when I took that picture. I'm glad you asked to make sure. I should have said something about that when I posted the picture.
      Thanks for commenting. Kathryn had a checkup yesterday and has gained 10 ounces since her birth!!! She has already grown quite a bit.

      I hope you have a wonderful day.

