Monday, September 12, 2016

Beavers Bend State Park - 2


The lake was beautiful and clear.

This wonderful man was so sweet to take me to my favorite
kind of place for the weekend.....Swimming in rivers and lakes!

The rocks were so neat. God's amazing creation is 
so beautiful. 

Skipping rocks!! Nathaniel could get it to skip 
about 10 - 15 times.

The nature museum.
This was the most interesting piece in my opinion.:)

Old fire truck. :) :)

We couldn't figure out what this is supposed to be.

Hard to believe this used to be a wood stump.

Down to the river!

Kathryn was so excited, just like me. :)

Jumping across on rocks without getting wet was a challenge.

Lots of deer!

Nathaniel's fire-starting skills came very handy.

Can't have a proper camping trip without these. :)

1 comment:

  1. wow! 10-15 times!! we were on the current river here in missouri monday and tuesday and the most my dad could skip rocks was 4 times.
