Monday, May 13, 2019

Cyrus Robert Wahlquist Labor And Birth

If you are not interested in birth story's feel free to skip this. :)

                                  Cyrus Robert Wahlquist

March 28th - 7 AM I was having strong irregular contractions. Because all my previous false labor I told Nathaniel to go ahead and go to work but during each contraction I said "no maybe you better stay", Once I finished a contraction I said "no go ahead and go to work its probably false". I kept doing this for an hour when finally we decided to have him stay and call Renee'. They were coming about 3 minutes apart. Renee' came at 10 to find baby in breech position and yes I was in labor and 3 CM dilated!!! Tried turning the baby with me upside down on a ironing board with the help of Pam but no avail. Called Dr. Cummins in Denton to see if he would take me in and he was in surgery but was at the hospital so we headed that way. (Renee' could not find her phone so we left ahead of her. This was a huge answer to prayer though because if she had had it she would have gotten a hold of a the Dr. and he wouldn’t have accepted because he stopped doing vbacs but once we were there he said he would help us!!) Dr. Cumming's is the only one Renee' knew would give me a good chance at a natural birth not not have me get a c-section right away.
Nurses did x Ray / sonogram to confirm position of baby. I was 5 CM once at the hospital and Dr. said once baby would engage I would go very quickly. Cyrus had his back over my cervix and if he didn't change that position I would have to have a c-section.
Contractions kept coming and after about 7 hours and not much progress Dr. decided to break my waters. Once he did that things really picked up. The next 45 minutes were tense as the Dr. told us to pray that baby would change position to complete breech so we could deliver naturally. Dr. Cummings was so great he sat there and watched and prayed while we waited for baby to change position. Finally after a few contractions meconium started to come out so we knew the baby had changed to complete breech and we could try a natural delivery in the operating room.I progressed from there to 9 CM and strong contractions but still smiling between each one. Nurse said I was in top 3 moms for making labor look easy. And Dr. asked Nate where in the world he got me from.:) Once about ready to push they had me move to operating room just in case something went wrong.
In about 5 strong pushes out came baby Cyrus Robert born at 8:23 PM - 21.5” long weighing 9 pounds 7 ounces
Apgar score was 7 and he was very alert for 3 hours after birth. He has blue eyes and dark wavy hair. Also has lots of hair on his shoulders. He reminds me a lot of Kathryn when she was born.

Reasons we liked the name Cyrus - 

“Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.” Ezra 1:2

 Isaiah refers to Cyrus as Jehovah’s “shepherd,” the Lord’s “anointed,” who was providentially appointed to facilitate the divine plan. God would lead this monarch to “subdue nations” and “open doors” (an allusion to the Jews’ release from Babylonian captivity). He would make “rough places smooth,” i.e., accommodate the Hebrews’ return to their Palestinean homeland. He would ultimately be responsible for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the reconstruction of the temple.

Checking in at the hospital. 40 weeks 5 days.

Excited I'm FINALLY in real labor.
My first overdue baby. He was 5 days late!!

Laughing hard about a joke.

9 CM!! Moving me to OR.

Having a contraction don't bother me face. :)

Midwife assistant suiting up.

9 CM dilated waiting for the urge to push.
( No, I was not on any pain medication. ALL natural)

I was very intimidated by being in the operating room...lots of sharp instruments 
lurking around.
The DR. was so kind to allow both my midwives be there. They were a huge 
support in helping me relax and breath through contractions.

And Cyrus arrived safe and sound!!!

A nurse told us that they have never seen a baby this large born
natural and breech! They were very surprised.

Lots more cuter pictures coming later. :)


  1. So glad to see Cyrus made it safe and sound. Almost 20 years ago I was in labor with my fifth and he just was not moving at all. After three hours of intense labor my doctor stopped everything and prayed about what we needed to do and after no more progress I was wheeled in to a c-section and found out he was sunny-side-up. Can’t believe he will be 20 in just a few months. So thankful you were able to have Cyrus naturally. God bless your sweet little family!

    1. How neat! Thank you for sharing that.

  2. Dr Cummings delivered 2 of my vbac births. Now his receptionists say he won't take me as a patient bc he no longer does vbacs. I am so dissappointed. He was great for women who just needed a chance.

    1. So neat he delivered yours also!! How many children do you have?
      I was SO grateful he took me as a exception but sad to hear such a good DR. won't do them anymore as his skill is so needed nowadays.
