Thursday, May 18, 2017

Lovely Spring Activities!

We stopped to play in some flowers during our walk.

Kathryn was so sweet to want to push Emmaline around 
the house in the stroller while I got some dishes done.

Giving kisses.

The girls helping Daddy fix the washer machine.:)

I went out and played in the mud
 with the girls after we had a rain storm.

My baby doll is growing so fast.

Colored some noodles for the girls sensory play.

I'll have to make these again. They really had bunches of fun.

So when I was washing this baby doll cause she was thrown in the mud. Kathryn saw her 
in the machine and came to get me with such a concerned face I had to see what the matter was.
Well she saw her doll in there spinning around and around. I had to take the baby out and right away Kathryn was giving it kisses, wrapped her in a blanket and pushed her around in the stroller.:)

Sensory play with jello!!
They had fun digging different toys out of the jello while eating some. :)

Crazy hair day.

This girl likes her yogurt.

Homemade play dough in the making.

Kathryn looks at her and Emmalines birth books over and over.

Took the girls to the park.

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