Friday, August 7, 2015

God's Beautiful Creation

It has been fun trying new recipes from this book.

Deborah and I are making some healthy "Ding Dongs".

Lots and lots of yummy chocolate!!

Deb's was so sweet to clean up the huge chocolate mess
while I took care of Kathryn.

Everyone came over later that evening to try them out.

It was fun to get some more visiting in. 

Yesterday Renee' came for a checkup.
Kathryn is now 9 pounds 11 ounces 
and 22 3/4" long.
Kathryn has gained  25 ounces in 25 days!!
No wonder she is growing out of her newborn clothes.:)

A new dress I made out of a old blouse.

I copied a pattern of a jumper Kathryn has outgrown and
made this one larger.

Here is another project I made.

In her new jumper!

It's a little hard getting a selfie with a baby. :)

Yesterday evening while Nathaniel was 
gone on a training course we went on a 
walk with Mamma W and Elisha.

A little snake I spotted on the road.

This is my favorite road to take walks on.


  1. It is so fun when you post on this blog, Katelyn! I enjoyed all the pics!
    Much love,

    1. Thank you Elisha!! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures.
      It was so fun walking down that pretty road with you and Mamma W.

