Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A variety of things

A sneak peek of a quilt I'm getting ready to finish.

We saw this neat Ferrari  on the way home from church.
 I'm sure it was not cheap. :)

Very strange/ mean looking thistles grow all over the place around here. 
They look like they have been spray painted but that's just the natural color.

 Our neighbors have one of my favorite type of flowers. - Lantana's

Taking a walk.

Elisha driving a crew to help the V family 
start moving into their new home.

Visiting with Mrs. V

Micah opening the entrance to the well.

The V's house was built in 1905. The walls were very solid and sturdy.

A wonderful evening with the W.

This persimmon tree is growing in our front yard.

That's all for now! :)


  1. Katelyn, can't wait to see the quilt you're working on! That was a great little teaser! Looks pretty! ~ Mrs G

    1. It is nothing compared to your beautiful quilts. I'm just making it to use up all of my scraps from various projects. :) I will post a picture of it when I'm finished.

      Thank you for commenting!!


  2. Fun to see these photos, Kate! :)
    Much love,
