Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sad news

Today around 10 AM my uncle Scott passed away.
Uncle Scott was a very dear uncle to me and my family and will 
be greatly missed. 
Please pray for his twin brother Paul as this has to be the 
hardest for him because they have lived together all of their lives.


  1. Katelyn, so very sorry for your loss. I remember seeing the house your uncles lived in when we visited y'all in Texas, but we never met them. I'm sure it's a sad time back at your family's home. May the Lord ease your sorrow.

    1. Thank you so much. We just got back from his funeral. It was a great blessing to be able to go down there and be with the family through this sad time.

  2. Praying for you, dear Katelyn... what a hard loss. :( :(
    Much love,

  3. Our heartfelt sympathies, Katelyn, on the loss of your dear uncle. We'll be praying for Christ's comfort for you and your entire family.

    1. Thank you! We just got back from spending time with our family. What a blessing it was to be with them through this hard time. It was a very special time to gather together and talk about our sweet memories of uncle Scott.
